Melissa Barnett, principal optometrist at the UC Davis Eye Center, explains blue light and its impact on your eyes and health. I recommend everybody track their steps, with a fitness tracker, your phone
or a simple pedometer. But if you’re very sedentary, any improvement will be beneficial. By keeping your pet healthy, you help to keep yourself and your family healthy.
It is important to promote positive mental health and resilience in everyday, proactive ways. Here are some points to consider as you open the door to discussing your teen’s mental health. Ideally, this should be a a series of ongoing conversations and “check ins” that you have with your child.
New guidelines aim to screen millions more for lung cancer
People with mental health conditions are more likely to smoke than those who do not have mental health conditions. Among smokers, people with mental health conditions are more likely to smoke a greater number of cigarettes. Here’s how we approach applying AI to healthcare to make sure it benefits everyone. Friends and family members can make all the difference in a person’s recovery process.
A renewal application for a current license holder must be submitted on or before the licensure expiration date. Any application submitted after the licensure expiration date will not be accepted. An initial application is an application that has never been issued an HHS license number to operate in Texas.
Health and medical apps
Enrollment assistors are experts in your community who are trained to help you find the best health care plan for your needs. If you already have an assistor, contact them so they can help you renew your insurance. If you don’t already have an assistor, you can find one using the assistor search tool. Read more about Workout Apparel here. Must accept a person for home health services based on a reasonable expectation that the their medical, nursing and social needs can be met adequately in their residence.
But people who need help often fail to get it, and the demand overwhelms the supply
Stress isn’t always harmful, and we can even change our attitudes about stress. A journal is a good way to organize your thoughts, analyze your feelings, and make plans. And you don’t have to be a literary genius or write volumes to benefit. If you’re having a hard time taking slow, deliberate breaths, try counting to 5 in your head with each inhale and exhale. You might try starting each day by acknowledging one thing you’re grateful for. You can do this while you’re brushing your teeth or just waiting for that snoozed alarm to go off.
Dog and cat poop can contain parasites and germs that can be harmful to people. Keep children away from areas that might contain dog or cat poop to prevent them from getting roundworms and hookworms. Clean the cat’s litter box daily to lower the chances of exposure to harmful parasites. Remember, people who are pregnant should avoid changing a cat’s litter box if possible.
Only enter your Social Security number on secure websites. You might consider calling your doctor’s office or health insurance company to give this information over the phone rather than providing it online. No online information, even if it is accurate and trustworthy, should replace seeing a health care professional who can thoroughly evaluate your unique situation and provide specific advice. Your health care provider can also suggest ideal sources of online information. If your doctor’s office has a website, it may include a list of recommended links.